Capoeira Nórdica

Capoeiramestari Marcelo Angola Joensuussa / Open capoeira training with Mestre Marcelo Angola

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Tervetuloa avoimiin capoeiraharjoituksiin Joensuussa brasilialaisen capoeiramesteri Marcelo Angolan kanssa. Tämä on ainutlaatuinen tilaisuus oppia perinteisen mestarin kanssa.
Harjoituksiin ovat tervetulleita niin ensikertalaiset kuin jo kokeneet harrastajatkin.
Maanantai 3.10, klo 17–20 Kulttuuritehdas Siihtala (Nurmeksentie 4)
Tiistai 4.10, klo 17–20 Kulttuuritehdas Siihtala (Nurmeksentie 4)
20 € sisältäen kummankin päivän harjoitukset
Voit maksaa harjoitukset etukäteen pankkitilille FI79 1040 3500 2569 40 (Capoeira Nordica ry) viitteellä 1041.
Mestre Marcelo Angola oikealta nimeltään Luiz Marcelo Santos Moraes, aloitti Capoeira Angolan harjoittamisen 1985 maineikkaassa Mestre Curion koulussa Salvadorin kaupungin historiallisessa keskustassa Pelourinhossa. Marcelo Angola sai capoeiramestarin, eli mestren, arvonimen vuonna 1999, ja on nykyisin kansainvälisesti tunnettu capoeiraopettaja ja capoeiraryhmä ”Angoleiros do Marin” perustaja (
We invite you to open capoeira trainings in Joensuu with the Brazilian capoeira master Marcelo Angola. This is an unique change to learn with a traditional master.
The trainings are suitable for both first timers as well as for advanced practitioners.
Monday 3 October, from 5 to 8 PM in Art Factory Siihtala (address “Nurmeksentie 4)
Tuesday 4 October from 5 to 8 PM in Art Factory Siihtala (address “Nurmeksentie 4”)
20 € including trainings on both days
You can pay the fee in advance to our account FI79 1040 3500 2569 40 (Capoeira Nordica ry) with index number 1041.
Luiz Marcelo Santos Moraes, Mestre Marcelo Angola, was born in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. He began practicing Capoeira Angola in August 1985, at Mestre Curio’s school located in Pelourinho, Salvador, Bahia. Pelourinho is the cradle and center of the Capoeira Angola world.
Mestre Marcelo Angola received the title of trenel (trainer) in 1990; afterwards, in 1994, was named as a Contra-mestre; and finally, in 1999, he was recognized as a Mestre.
Mestre Marcelo Angola is the founder of Centro Cultural de Capoeira Angoleiros do Mar with its central base located at Barra Grande, in the island of Itaparica, Bahia, Brazil (
He works with Capoeira Angola to preserve the values and traditional fundamentals of Capoeira Angola, both within and outside Brazil, giving priority always to the artistic and cultural aspects without compromising its characteristics.